
Systems Development

What we offer

Our Specialized Systems Development Focus

Cypronetwork Group specializes and focuses on Systems Development including Quality, Environmental and Energy sustainability systems. Organizations worldwide are increasingly recognizing the significance of implementing and adhering to internationally recognized standards.

These quality systems provide a structured approach to processes, procedures and overall operations, resulting in numerous benefits that impact the organization's efficiency, reputation and bottom-line growth. The services range from system’s design, implementation, updating and audits to specialized studies and Health and Safety management projects.


A few words about our newest system

HRM – ISO30414:2018 is an international standard developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) that specifically focuses on human resource management (HRM).

Officially titled “Human Resource Management – Guidelines for Internal and External Human Capital Reporting,” this standard aims to provide organizations with a comprehensive framework to measure, report and improve their HRM practices.

ISO 30414:

A Strategic Edge for Business Excellence

Released in 2018, ISO 30414 emphasizes the importance of human capital as a critical asset that significantly impacts a company’s overall success. It is a vital international standard that plays a significant role in elevating HRM excellence and overall business performance.

By promoting transparency, accountability and data-driven decision-making in HRM practices, ISO 30414 enhances workforce productivity, employee satisfaction and competitiveness.

Having ISO 30414 certification can instill confidence in investors, showcasing that the company is committed to long-term sustainability and employee well-being.

Business Success

Employee satisfaction

Enhance workforce productivity

Environmental Social Governance (ESG) and ISO22301 Business Continuity

The integration of ESG principles into a company's business continuity strategy strengthens its resilience by addressing both environmental and social risks. For instance, businesses that prioritize reducing carbon emissions and energy consumption are better equipped to adapt to evolving environmental regulations and extreme weather events.

ISO 22301 is an international standard that provides guidelines for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving a business continuity management system (BCMS). By adopting ISO 22301, businesses can enhance their capacity to respond to and recover from disruptions effectively. More importantly, ISO 22301 offers a natural framework for integrating ESG principles into business continuity planning.

Cypronetwork consultants have the expertise to align ESG principles with established standards like ISO 22301 and pave the way for businesses to stand out as leaders in sustainability, responsible governance and long-term success.